Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Comrades Training Week 2&3 Recap

Total volume by week thus far:
Week 3 - 39.40 miles
Week 2 - 27.37 miles
Week 1 - 31.50 miles

A couple weeks ago I received the Sigma PC 25.10 Heart Rate Monitor via a sale on TheClymb.com.  I've had the Garmin 310XT since it first came out and was initially loving the device.  However, the honeymoon was over quickly due to consistent issues I've had getting an accurate heart rate. First, the Garmin softstrap HRM was showing my BPM frequently above 220, normal for a mouse perhaps but not a healthy human.  I switched out the Garmin strap for the Polar strap and readings improved but there will still regular issues.  For example, after 6 or so miles the reading would drop out to 60 BPM or provide no reading at all.  Not exactly helpful although the problem was only when I ran, readings on the bike have not been an issue.

The reason for the new focus on heart rate was an article I read where the author stated that by concentrating on maintaining a lower, fat-burning heart rate, he was able to condition his body to more readily utilize those higher-energy fat fuel sources.  In addition, although he was initially running more slowly in order to maintain a specific heart rate, over time his pace increased while his heart rate remained the same.  I wish I could find the article...  In any event, the Sigma PC 25.10 has been working great. Some spiked readings but overall, pretty consistent and much better than the Garmin.  Unfortunately, I have found myself wearing the Garmin on one wrist and the Sigma HRM along with a Christmas gift, the Nathan VitaBand on the other.  I'm certain I look half bionic man and half dork.

In any event, training runs have had a goal HR range and, for the most part, I've been able to stay within it; despite sometimes slowing to uncomfortable paces in order to keep things in line.  The pace I'm running sucks but I need to keep track of the goal, to keep my heart rate down and increase my pace over time.

Notable events of the past two weeks:
12/21 DC Tri Tack Workout: Ladder workout of intervals 3-3-4-5-4-3-3 with two minutes active recovery.  Established my Heart Rate Max at 195 BPM.

Christmas weekend "Back to Back."  You may notice it is not exactly a back to back and that is because I was hungover on Christmas Day.  Whoops.


  • For the past year plus I have been focusing on a more forefoot/midfoot ground strike for my running.  It had been going well but of late, but it feels like I may be aggravating the stress fracture I incurred last December.  Therefore, I've regressed to include more of a heel strike in my stride in order to prevent a re-injury despite sacrificing some efficiency.
  • Getting periodic feeling of shin splints in my right leg. Ebbs and flows during long runs.
  • Right foot arch discomfort. Not really pain, just feels like the tendons and connective tissue in my right foot are getting worked out.
  • Knee pain/discomfort.  Mostly in my right leg manifest as tightness and pronounced in both legs and pounding downhills (not unexpected).  
  • Aside from some expected soreness, none of the aforementioned issues are felt the day after (i.e. I felt them yesterday during my 14 mile run and not feeling any problems right now, the day after.)

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